
  • Greetings! Our team is here to answer questions Monday–Saturday from 7:00am–8:00pm PST.
  • Average response time is less than 1 business day, but if the queue is small we may be able to get back to you almost immediately.
  • To contact our support team please send an email request to: [email protected]

⚠️ Please note that we generally do not have additional details about upcoming studies other than what’s already posted in the study descriptions. We are mindful about posting any and all important information that we have available. For example, dates and times… If the dates and times of a study aren’t listed, it means that that info wasn’t available yet (most likely because the research firm wanted to recruit participants before scheduling). That being said, if you need more information about a study, it never hurts to contact a research firm directly. If you provide us with a link to a study we can generally respond with that firm’s best contact info.