$125 National Online Study About Eating At Home

  • [members only content] is continually seeking reliable, candid and thoughtful people to participate in market research studies on a huge range of topics, products and services in North America and the UK.
  • They are currently seeking people nationwide to participate in a new study about their experiences eating at home.
  • You may be chosen for one of two types of studies they are conducting around this topic:
    — A 7-day online bulletin board with daily activities requiring approximately 12 minutes per day.
    — A 90-minute one-on-one interview.
  • Each respondent will only participate in one of the above options.
  • The online bulletin board will take place between April 1st and 8th, and the online interviews will take place on April 9th or 10th, 2024.
  • All invited participants will receive $125 within 1-2 weeks of the end of the assignments.
  • ✅ Take their screener here to apply: [members only content]