$30 In-Person Study on AR & Video Games (Bay Area)

  • [members only content] is a research team at Stanford University.
  • They are currently seeking individuals in the Bay Area to participate in a new study about augmented reality and classic arcade games like Tetris.
  • Participants must be free of neurological disorders (e.g., stroke, epilepsy) that could pose risks when using virtual and augmented reality.
  • This will be a 45-60 minute in-person study in Palo Alto, CA that pays $30 via Amazon gift card.
  • During the session you will perform activities like playing Tetris, playing a digital memory game, and interacting in an augmented reality headset.
  • NOTE: They will be adding more spots to the calendar each week throughout December.
  • ✅ Choose a date on the calendar here to apply: [members only content]