$275 National Product Test: Male Shaving Products

  • [members only content] was founded in 1982 and now has 14 premier focus group and product testing facilities across the U.S.
  • They are currently seeking males nationwide ages 18-55 to participate in a new study about Shaving Products.
  • This will be a 10-day multi-phase product test study.
  • The research firm will ship out products for you to test at home.
  • Phase 1:
    — This phase will require you to fill out 2 surveys (20 minutes each) provided by the research firm.
    — You will be paid $100 for completing both surveys.
  • Phase 2:
    — For sending back the product, you will receive $75.
  • Phase 3:
    — This will be an online webcam interview that pays $100.
    — The time commitment is undisclosed but is likely to be 60 minutes
  • The study will take place in October 2023.
  • ✅ Take their screener here to apply: [members only content]