$250 National Online Study For Professional Hair Stylists

  • [members only content] has provided top-tier marketing research recruiting services for over 40 years.
  • They are currently seeking professional hairdressers or hairstylists nationwide to participate in a new study.
  • You must work for a hair salon with more than 1 employee and have years of experience with coloring, straightening, and perms.
  • This will be a 10-day online activity board.
  • During this period, participants will watch short videos about haircare products that are in the development phase, and give feedback and answer questions from the experienced perspective of professional hairdressers/hairstylists.
  • The daily time commitment is undisclosed but it’s likely to be 15 minutes per day.
  • All invited respondents will receive a $250 digital Visa via Tremendous as a thank you for their time.
  • The online activity board will take place between August 24th and September 2nd, 2023.
  • To apply for this study, you must send your answers to the following questions to the email below:
    — Your phone number, city, and state.
    — Name & website of the salon you work at.
    — How many years of experience do you have perming hair?
    — How many years of experience do you have in coloring hair?
  • ✅ To apply please send your answers to the following email: [members only content]