$100 Online Study & Web Browser Product Test

  • [members only content] is currently seeking people nationwide to participate in a new online browser test and diary study where participants will be asked to provide feedback on a brand new type of web browser as they use it over a period of time. Your participation would directly shape what this product will be before it rolls out to millions of people.
  • This study will last for 3 weeks – from Wed, Mar 23rd to Wed, April 13th. Participants will be asked to install the browser prototype and do the following:
    — Activities are estimated to take ~45 minutes or less every week and can be completed right from your home computer. They will set you up with their online research platform and its built-in tools.
    — Use the browser prototype to do the things you would normally do online.
    — Complete 1-2 activities per week, such as giving feedback on design concepts, submitting a short screen recording, or writing a response to a prompt.
    — Contribute to online discussion threads with other early access testers.
  • Participants will receive $100, payable as either a check or pre-paid Visa.
  • Toward the end of the study, some participants may be invited to an optional 45 minute video interview to follow up on their experiences. If chosen, you would be compensated an additional $50.
  • ✅ Take their screener here to apply: [members only content]